BY Bader Al-Sayed Ahmed | October 28 2022
Nepal: A Spell That Can Never Be Broken

Nepal was the hard-right turn that changed my direction forever.
The relationship between Nepal and I can only be explained as a “love at first sight kind of story”. Back in 2015 was the beginning of a new obsession that slowly shaped the person I am now. At that time, I had only traveled to India but believe me, nothing compares to Nepal. Nepal is magical with its people, culture, nature, chaos, and history. All these elements work together in harmony. When I tell you that you can feel the harmony in the air, you will laugh at how cliché that sounds, but I promise you it will sweep you off your feet as it did, does, and will continue doing every time you go.
One of the reasons that I am so in touch with Nepal is the teachings of Mahise. Mahise is a yoga Guru who guided the first yoga/trek I experienced. The main focus of Mahise was always about mindfulness and presence which was also a totally new concept to me. You would think that trekking is a uniquely or, at least, a primarily physical pursuit. In contrast to the typical hiking that focuses on technicalities, this trip was about being present in the moment and being mindful of all surroundings, and it made me engaged in something totally different.
I learned a lot about taking time to appreciate the scenery, the sounds of nature, the pure clean air, the beautiful villages and villagers, the porters, the animals, and even your own thoughts as you walk in nature. I also learned that being present with yourself, and the people around you, at each and every moment, is way more important than who does what better or who does what first. It is simply about the journey, the community, nature, and the culture of the mountains.
In the stressful world that we live in, taking a break from the grind is necessary and where we choose to go can have far reaching effects on our journey. For me, Nepal was that choice. It was the hard-right turn that changed my direction forever. Nepal is Nepal and I will forever be bound by its magic spell. You have to experience it to believe.