BY Marwan Oueida | October 11 2022
From Seeking Luxury to Seeking Adventure

Movies sometimes do this thing where they show you the ending first. I’ll begin with the outcome of this transformative journey of mine. I now have a countdown app on my phone counting down the days till my next adventure. The more out of my comfort zone the more excitement and anticipation builds up. It has been quite evident to me and the people around me how transformative and impactful adventure seeking has been to my life.
I looked up and saw the milky way. Literally what you would see in a desktop background.
I’m sure a number of people reading this will be able to relate at some level; I grew up believing that comforts and luxuries are key to happiness, but what I soon came to find out is the complete opposite. I remember my first night on Kilimanjaro, sleeping in a tent for my first time, not having cell reception, not having running water to do my nightly face wash routine, having anxiety of the possibility of a spider being in my vicinity. Was I uncomfortable? Probably. Everything I mentioned might sound like a complaint or a negative, but it wasn’t. I looked up and saw the milky way. Literally what you would see in a desktop background. I learnt to let go or at least accept fears I had involving insects and imperfections. I learnt to not be dependent on the need to check my phone every 5 minutes. Most importantly I learnt that I can do ANYTHING. Who is to stop you other than yourself?

Do what makes you happy, do what will make you feel alive, and do it with people you love.
Ever since Summiting the roof of Africa I’ve thought of nothing but how can I do something that would truly make me happy. This is not only thinking of trips, adventures, or vacations. This has been impactful on my everyday life. I no longer wish to only go for success, as good as that is, I think happiness comes first. Do what makes you happy, do what will make you feel alive, and do it with people you love.
Just go for it and experience things that might just end up changing the lens through which you see the world.
My life went from 5-star hotels to places like Kathmandu Guest House (KGH) for a few nights then embarking on an 8 day adventure in the Himalayas. BTW search KGH it is a simple but stunning hotel in the heart of Kathmandu, Nepal. I mention this to depict a picture of perfection in simplicity and nature. I recommend that people like me who just need that little push, should just go for it and experience things that might just end up changing the lens through which they see the world.